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Writer's pictureMarji Stevens

Are You Taking Your Vitamins?

I lay out my vitamins everyday so I don't forget to take them. It's important in order to stay healthy.

I take a vitamin that claims to be full of life-giving ingredients. They claim to be 100% pure. They're a sizable investment, so I'm careful to take them.

What about our spiritual vitamins? They were a sizable investment, too. One we didn't have to make. The Lord made sure we had His Word to give us the daily spiritual nourishment we need.

"The words of the LORD are pure words. Like silver tried in a furnace of earth. Purified seven times. You shall keep them, O LORD, You shall preserve them from this generation forever" (Psalm 12:6-7).

Pure Truth - that's hard to find these days. And just like vitamins, there are a lot of counterfeits. There are loads of words swirling in our atmosphere claiming to be true. Isn't it wonderful to know that we can trust that the Word of God is pure–it is just what it claims to be.

Not only is the Word of God TRUE . . . it is ALIVE and ACTIVE.

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing should and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thought and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12,NIV).

The definition of alive is: alive! ... something that holds life, and is living. When we take the time to pause and prayerfully consider the Word of God we soon discover it is well worth our time. It nourishes our spirits, renews are minds, encourages heart-health.

It's difficult to find one vitamin that covers all our needs. It's an imperfect science. But we have the Great Physician, who is also our Great Counselor, and Teacher, and loves us so completely that we can trust Him with our whole heart.

God knows us. He is so faithful to show us where we need correction, too. Because His Word is alive–not false advertising–we can trust what we read to be current, active, powerful, and having the ability to heal and transform us.

Psalm 12 was my devotional psalm for the day. It is all about the treachery of man and the faithfulness of God. Just as we guard the quality of our vitamins–we have to guard where we go for our truth. Our Heavenly Father didn't leave us without a steady counsel. He knew we needed a solid truth to anchor our faith in this world–and that's a happy thing!

My new book is available now on

Amazon or, (for a dollar less) in my shop.

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