There was a light frost on the ground this morning. A bitter nip greeted me as I stepped outside in my bathrobe to get a breath of fresh air. The ground cover on the garden was frozen, but suddenly something caught my eye.
A blossom? How can that be?
A single stream of sunlight broke through the clouds and highlighted the plant. In the light, the tip of the frozen grey-green Pachysandra looked as if it was in bloom!
By the time I got my camera, the sun had faded a bit, but I think I captured a little of the essence for you to see. It looks like a flower, doesn't it?
The Lord is so full of surprises when we follow Him, and keep our hearts open. Anywhere, no matter how cold, and grey, and frozen things may seem, when the Son-light is present, things blossom with hope.
"Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." (John 8:12)
What a promise! When we follow Jesus we can be assured that we will never have to walk in darkness.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by life? Rest for a moment and meditate on this scripture verse from John. Let it wash over you. This is what I hear Him saying:
Child, follow Me. Wait upon Me when you need direction. I will show you the way. You don't have to walk in confusion, as if you are groping in the dark. I will guide you step by step, moment by moment.
Child, rest in Me. Wait upon Me when your soul feels covered with darkness. You don't have to live with discouragement, depression or loneliness. I am here to bathe you with My life. My peace I give to you -- you only need to ask. Not as the world gives. My peace brings strength and hope. My peace brings joy and confidence. I love you.