Proof of ownership is often displayed in a mark, or seal, showing the owner’s name, title and domain of authority. Like a signature on a painting. Even my cat, Scarlet, understands marking property. That’s why she carefully rubs her face on me to let the world know – I’m her property.
When my son brought his puppy for a visit, Scarlet got nervous. She watched me gush over the dog and when he left, she started rubbing her face on me again. I couldn’t even work because she was rubbing her face on the keyboard and computer screen, too.
We are God’s property. His name is God Almighty. His title is Creator, Lord of All, and His domain is heaven and earth with all its inhabitants.
How do we wear the mark of God’s ownership?
We can’t understand that until we understand His love. He loved us so much, and His desire for sons and daughters was so great He made the ultimate sacrifice and sent His only Son to redeem us from the curse that separated us from Him. As I meditate on this I’m struck by three things:
We’re valuable.
God wouldn’t give His Son for a nobody. Every soul is precious to the Father. Even when we were yet sinners. One thing I learn from that is never – ever – denigrate myself or someone else. I should never belittle or speak ill of God’s property.
I went shopping for clothes yesterday. It was painfully eye-opening. I was angry, disgusted and started badmouthing myself. Until the Holy Spirit whispered, “But, You’re mine.”
We will only treat good what we value. The road to personal wholeness is first paved with embracing the value God places on us.
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the children of God.”
“Behold” is better described as: SEE, observe, look at, gaze at, regard, contemplate, inspect. It’s a word of great exclamation.
Think of the joy it brings our Father when we believe in, and value what He values.
We were loved before the worlds were made.
I love my kids, but I didn’t love them before they were born. I might have loved the idea of children, but I didn’t know them and love them as I did after they were born.
” . . . He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world . . .” (Ephesians 1:4)
God didn’t start loving you the day you were born, He was carrying you in His heart the whole time He planned the creation of the world! See how foolish it is to think we can earn God’s love. We were loved first. We don’t have to clean up, get it right, do good, and please God, in order to be loved? We please God believing we are loved. All our good flows from that.
Wearing the mark of God.
My Scarlet wants her scent on me. Forgive me for such a lame analogy, but so does God. We wear His mark when we wear His attributes. Does kindness, long-suffering, righteousness and holiness mark our lives? Do people know we are Christians by our love? Do you wear the sweet aroma of Christ – or the pungent scent of the world?
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. . .” (2 Corinthians 2:15)
Father, please forgive us for speaking ill of Your property. Forgive us for treating lightly Your love. Forgive us for the many ways we wear the mark of the world. We bow before You, dear Lord, and ask Your forgiveness for our lukewarmness and casual attitude. We need Your oil in the lamps we trim as we watch for Your appearance. We want to wear the attributes of Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.