Sometimes I can get so wrapped up in my work that my priorities become askew. Work is necessary and an important part of life, but occasionally we have to reevaluate if our work is stealing the only blessings we get to take with us to Heaven . . . people.
It's easy to forget the importance of building legacy. A legacy is something that is handed down by a predecessor. The definition primarily refers to possessions like money or land, but I was startled when another example was used: the legacy of neglect.
Legacy was on my mind, but I'd never thought how we might leave an inheritance of neglect. I guess you have to stop and think: How do I want to be remembered? Do I want to be remembered for how dedicated I was to work? Or, remembered for how I was dedicated to people--family and children first.
A pastor, or minister, for example, can become so involved with church administration and other people that they loose their own people. It happens to all walks of life. Time flies when you're steeped in your aspirations. It's easy to wake up one morning and realize you've been ignoring the little nudges from the Lord to go see this friend or that family member. Perhaps God's nudge was to call someone who keeps coming to your mind. Our work is not what we take to Heaven.
I want to save money to leave for my children. But what will they remember the most when I'm gone? Will it be my back as I lean over my work? Or, will it be that I stopped to spend time with them? Will they say, "Grandma always wanted to spend time with me. She was never too busy to listen."
I remember the day I was in the middle of cooking dinner when my young son came bursting into the kitchen. "MOM, guess what? MOM . . . MOM,"
I was involved with making dinner, "Not now, I'm busy," I barked.
Later I found him playing with his toys and asked. "Honey, what did you want to tell me earlier? I'm sorry I couldn't talk then."
His answer haunted me for years and the Lord used it to change me. He said, "I wanted to tell you how I felt when I saw a hawk fly over me . . .but now I can't remember."
That may seem insignificant, and don't get me wrong, there are definitely times when we can't be interrupted. But I determined that day that there was nothing more important than listening to my kids. If I'm working on my computer, or busy on my phone, and the kids enter the room, I stop what I'm doing, because the only blessing I can take to Heaven just walked in the room. Even if all I do is look them in the face and ask them to wait for a moment until I finish . . . then I finish quickly and go find them.
I stepped into the shower this morning and almost broke my neck! A recent showering grandson must have reached for the cream rinse instead of the shampoo. As I held on for dear life, I got to laughing at the image of him struggling to get all that off his body.

Later I found a few stray socks, wrappers under my couch cushion, and a tiny pair of undies thrown behind the bathroom door. There were cupcake crumbs under the table and syrup goop on the chairs.
After their departure, I crashed on the couch and thought through the time we'd spent together. I captured every memory I could to hold on to this fleeting time in their lives. Sometimes the blessings are a little inconvenient, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I hope I'm building a legacy far greater than money and more stuff.
Father, help us to heed Your nudges. Help us to put You and Your people as a priority and be more interruptible. You are our hope. In Jesus name, Amen.